dimanche 25 mai 2014

52 weeks of pics for 2014

today saw a #cormorant enjoying the rain as I was

dimanche 18 mai 2014

52 weeks of pics for 2014

was going for the butterfly when I noticed a little insect under the flower.. and another photobombing one as I snapped away...

dimanche 11 mai 2014

52 weeks of pics for 2014

A rainy, stormy week-end... but with enough sun in between that we went out for long walks anyway!!
and so it had to be a drop picture!! being able to capture the reflection inside the drops is really motivating me to continue... cannot wait to have my macro lenses to get even better at it!

vendredi 9 mai 2014

color splash

another type of picture I do not do often.... color splash on a black & white... but that drop covered little clover called for it...

jeudi 8 mai 2014

just another flower

so delicate... I just love those flowers, so unusual shape call for macro!

dimanche 4 mai 2014

52 weeks of pics for 2014

This was a lucky shot! I was looking for potential bird (crested grebe that I see often around this place) when this heron decided to land... I was not ready for a fast flying shot... but I took the shot anyway!

vendredi 2 mai 2014

dandelion after the rain

This is the picture I was certain I would pick as pic of the week until I stumble on my first dragonfly of the year!

I love dandelion... I love drops... going for a walk after (during also!) the rain was a wonderful opportunity to have both!