vendredi 31 octobre 2014

memory of the summer...

I have not seen many insects lately and the sun has not been very present... so here is a memory of the summer!

dimanche 26 octobre 2014

52 weeks of pics 2014

today I heard the indignant cry of the heron as a dog, blissfully unaware of the heron, came to drink at the same spot! still not sure which one was more scared by the encounter! After that this heron was in need of a thorough cleaning! and a heron cleaning, and scratching!, itself is quite entertaining!

jeudi 23 octobre 2014

among the remnant of the summer...

Insects are getting rare but among the remnant of summer I was lucky enough to catch that one! 

dimanche 19 octobre 2014

52 weeks of pics 2014

I love drops, to see those perfect sphere... and I love dandelion... so drops on a dandelion! I cannot resist!!

you saw the little drops on a blade of grass on the left corner?

dimanche 12 octobre 2014

52 weeks of pics 2014

I was certain to have to wait for months before I could see them again... but no... this one just landed onthe path in front of me!

dimanche 5 octobre 2014

52 weeks of pics 2014

I was so lucky to snap that pics as he was flying off being so scared by some (noisy) hikers!!

vendredi 3 octobre 2014